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COVID-19 Has Entered the Chat!

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

We of Imperfect Yet are not making this post to generate more fear or worry anybody. This coverage being shared is intended to inform any and everybody who may not be clear on what this virus is, how it is transmitted, ways you can prevent getting it, and how to separate the symptoms from other infections that are traveling this time of the year!

**Specifically, there will be posts pertaining to the state of Texas, and the Dallas area. We are by no means doctors, nurses, or medical professionals. This post is strictly to inform of what is going on in the news currently.


2020 has shown to be a trying year already, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Initially spreading from Wuhan, China, this virus has made its way around the world in weeks time.

There are many misconceptions and theories floating around on the internet surrounding this virus, however, hopefully this post makes things a lot more clearer for anyone who is fuzzy on the subject!


What is the Coronavirus?

The "novel Coronavirus" is apart of a large family of coronaviruses that range from the common cold to SARS & MERS. This particular family of viruses can cause serious illnesses.

- The first known severe illness caused by the coronavirus occurred in 2003, with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in China.

- The second known outbreak was the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) that occurred in Saudi Arabia, in 2012.

- COVID-19s biological strain is called SARS-CoV-2.


How is it transmitted?

- Coronavirus is zoonotic, meaning it is transmitted between animals and humans.

- SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans.

- MERS-CoV transmitted from dromedary camels to humans.

*** If you are interested in reading details on theories of how the SARS-CoV-2 strain or COVID-19 illness have been transmitted, I will have the full detailed article linked. This theory will not be discussed because it is just that, a theory.


How has COVID-19 been able to spread so quickly?

- Human to human contact

- Through respiratory droplets (sneeze or cough)

- "Community Spread" meaning a large number of people in a group together at one time has also been a big factor as to how the virus has spread.

***There are other ways of transmission mentioned but it is not a definite answer. Therefore, it will not be listed.


Symptoms of COVID-19

- Symptoms can appear 2-14 days after exposure

- Fever

- Shortness of breath

- Coughing

-Difficulty breathing

*Severe cases cause Pneumonia.

Who is most affected?

- Older adults 65 and up

- Adults that live in nursing homes

- People with these underlying diseases:

-Chronic lung disease or asthma

-Congestive heart failure or coronary artery disease


-Neurologic conditions that weaken ability to cough

-Weakened immune system

-Chemotherapy or radiation for cancer (currently or in recent past)

-Sickle cell anemia

-Chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis

-Cirrhosis of the liver

-Lack of spleen or a spleen that doesn’t function correctly

-Extreme obesity (body mass index [BMI] >40)


How can I do my part?

- Wash your hands regularly.

- Cough & Sneeze into a tissue, sleeve, or fixed elbow.

-Avoid unprotected close contact with anymore displaying flu-like symptoms.

- Seek medical help if you start to suffer from the specific symptoms listed; provide your travel and contact history.

- Cook your food thoroughly!


Currently in the Dallas area


The IYDWUC Blog Team hopes this blog post has been helpful. We also would like to extend our thanks to the men and women who are currently working long hours in hospitals and labs testing and treating all those that have come in for help.

During this trying time it is imperative to remain in good faith. Staying in prayer mode and talking to God to help dissipate any fears and worries you might have. If we all work together we can overcome. Even if you cannot visit family because they may have a compromised immune system, take the time to give them a call and check on them!

See you soon with another blog post, Chick Chat is now offline!


Links to all info used

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This is one of the interesting reads on the virus. It will really make you think about how our lifestyle affects the earth & our health. Please look it up and read, long read, but worth it. - Greta Canfield

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