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Let's get Lit-erature with Author C. J. Rodgers

CHICK CHAT has officially logged in! Today we at IYDWUC Headquarters want to shed the spotlight on Emerging Figure:

Self-Published Author, C. J. Rodgers

Reading was more than a past-time for Rodgers as a child, constantly reading a book whether it was fantasy, historical fiction, or a mystery. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would write a story let alone publish it by the age of 23.

With one publication under her belt, she looks forward to continuing The Bestower's Ruin Series.

Rodgers recently reflected on her One-year Bookaversary of her first book, Orphic, and we got a chance to get details on where the coming of age story about Rose Aldred was inspired from and her choices to self-publish her novel.


Q: Where were you when you came up with this story?

Rodgers: I was sitting at my Grandmother's kitchen island watching Sorceror's Apprentice.


Q: What was the first thing you did when the story came to mind?

Rodgers: Absolutely nothing. I had never written a full story before so I had no clue where to begin. Luckily, the story never left my mind, so I knew I had to write it down.


Q: Why did you decide to Self-Publish?

Rodgers: Doing the research into both Traditional Publishing and Self-publishing. I found that I am a control freak. Self-publishing allows me to have total control over my work from everything about my story from the book cover, to the back matter.


Q: Do you have any upcoming projects or continuations in this series that you've started?

Rodgers: Yes! I actually had the cover reveal for the second book in The Bestower's Ruin Series almost two weeks ago. The name of it is Moonbroch, the release date is coming soon, I know for sure it will be June of this year (2020). I am also working on a new writing project, it is a romance story. It will be under a pen name.


Upcoming Release by C. J. Rodgers

The second book is slated for June for release, with no set date. Rodgers is looking forward to changing where you can find her books. Branching out from Amazon to Kobo, Barnes & Noble Press, and Apple books.

Though she doesn't have a prologue excerpt for us to share, she does have the book blurb to pique your interest!


Blurb: On the run, Rose escaped the clutches of The League saving Marshal and her mother; now she seeks refuge with a bloodline connection lost through time. The Sirens have committed themselves to protect the Bestower’s gifts and as Rose steps up as the protector of the amethyst, she has to face the consequences of her betrayal, grasp the strength of her magic, and warn the Sirens of the danger that is coming. An old King’s mission to bring creatures and beings of the supernatural kind into the light now lives on in the heart of the angriest souls living in the shadows. The League will not stop until the frenzy is revived, and the gifts have been retrieved; a war is stirring. Rose and The Sirens must fight back.


Moonbroch is the second book in the TBR series, a continuation of Rose's story of growth and a little magic too! Introducing a new set of characters, Rodgers wanted a powerful set of women to be in leadership positions for this story. Branching out from the sinister stepmother that was left on a cliffhanger in book 1.

Borrowing characters from real life, Egyptian/African lore, and settings that have a very vibrant history. Rodgers has created a story that weaves people from different cultures into a fantasy story that leaves you on the edge of your seat!


C. J. Rodgers: When the Words Stop

On the other half of the page, C. J. Rodgers is commonly called, Cydnee in her outside activities. She makes time for her classes at a local community college,

Uploading videos to her Youtube Channel, Writing&BookThngs&Movies,

Administrating the Imperfect Yet website, Chick Chat Blog, IYDWUC Instagram, and

active Board member on the Social Media Committee.

We at Chick Chat and IYDWUC are more than excited to share this Emerging Figure with you!

Below will be links where you can find C. J. Rodgers' first book, her website, and social media.

Signing off this is CHICK CHAT Emerging Figures!

We will See You Soon & Stay Safe!

83 views2 comments


Cynthia Rodgers
Cynthia Rodgers
Apr 09, 2020

Great post! Looking forward to book 2 !


Apr 08, 2020

Beautiful! Love your personal story CJ and the book series. You are truly a young woman with a mission and you make us proud. Never let up!

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